
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Covering Live Music Events

One of our favorite things to cover here in Sonoma County California is the fantastic lineup of musicians that seem to be popping up everywhere! In production, filming live music can be tricky. If you use prerecorded music and try to match live-action video, the results usually look forced and unprofessional. If you stand there with a cell phone in your hand, the audio usually always lacks any quality, and the handheld, shaky footage is rarely pleasing to the eye.

EverSeen Productions has their own take on capturing live audio. It should feel and sound as if you were there, and it should focus the viewer on something specific that was remarkable about the performance. Here, in a Home Concert held at Chanslor Ranch in Bodega Bay, California, Natalie Gelman sings past a toddler's screams in the background and does so with intimacy.


 If you have a band and want to have a live performance covered here in Sonoma County, check out our website and contact us today! We love covering good quality live music and have a unique and authentic 1 camera solution so that the rest of the audience has no idea a video is being made.

Getting gigs is the first priority for any new band, and having a beautifully crafted video showing that you can rock it live, is key to getting more gigs. Every venue owner is going to want to see and hear your sound. Contact EverSeen Productions to tell your Band's original story!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Motor Cycle Rental in Sonoma County

So, you want to experience what its like to cruise the Sonoma Coastline on a motorcycle that won't wake up the entire world, and or rattle itself apart? Would you like experience the Redwoods and Highway 1 in true European Motorcycle style? Me too. When Joshua Poe of enquired about some promotional video work for his new business based in Santa Rosa, I jumped at the chance.

He's got a Triumph RRR for those that like the crouch-rocket racket without gaudy plastic bits getting in the way. RideNorCal has the new Ducati 1200CC Multistrada which is perfect for couples, and long hauls along the coast. Josh Poe says, "It will get ya zoomin!" They've got a Triumph Tiger which is just dope, and for those of us who don't like roads, while those who want to cruise looking like a Jedi on an Imperial Speeder bike can hop on the Ducati 2013 Multistrada. An impressive collection of tip-top two wheelers to choose from.

The only problem I had working with these guys is that in order to shoot it all, I had to sit in the back of my beat up old Subaru, and didn't get to ride at all. My girlfriend/gopro operator got a go around... with some other guy driving, which was swell. You can see her in the video. She always makes the cut :)

We made 5 videos total, all of which were shot entirely handheld with a Cannon 60D and GoPro Hero3, both set for 60 frames per second. I cut the pieces on FCP 7 as usual, and only did minimal color correction. Keeping the camera steady in the back of the moving vehicle was trickiest bit, but shooting at a faster frame rate helped smooth out the wobblies.

If you are interested in more information please visit the website. They've got tons of info about the bikes and possible routes to choose from. Tell them Edward sent ya, and remember, rubber side down.

Man. Painting Waves.

It should be said that a wise man will see beauty in all things. This was something most likely said by someone who did not live in Chicago during the winter. I am now someone who happily does not live in Chicago at all. I live in Sonoma County California and it is easy for me to see the beauty in most things, a product of my surroundings I would wager. This video is a perfect example of that.

I was on my way home from a meeting at Chanslor Ranch just north of Bodega Bay, wiggling along Highway 1 towards my home in Villa Grande. It was February and therefore should have been cold and miserable, but it wasn't. It was gorgeous and I spied this man doing a remarkable job capturing the colors of the setting sun. This man, painting waves at the side of the road, did not flinch when I asked if I could film him. At Rock Point, off of Hwy. 1, Frank Gannon answered with a flick of his wrist, and a shrug of his shoulders. When I commented on how accurately he had captured the colors of the evening, he grimaced and said that he was stuck on the side of a particularly tricky rock face. He said so while perched precariously, with all of his paints and brushes, 30 feet above the waves crashing below. As a filmmaker, I was drawn to the motion in the Ocean, while Frank mixed the perfect blend of color to match the setting sun. It was a pretty cool moment. It was a Sonoma County moment.

I only spent 45 minutes filming Frank Gannon, but it has since become one of my favorite videos to show friends and family when they enquire about my new habitat. It was shot with my Cannon 60D with a little pick-up footage gathered with a gopro hero3.

Artist: Frank Gannon -

Man Painting. Waves.

Shot/Edited by: Edward Seaton
Music: The Mentalist by Mr. Fiji Wiji

Micro-Docs for DDB

Packed and ready to hit the road Jan. 1, 2012

It has been some time since I updated my site. A move to California was the culprit, and once I landed on the West Coast I found very little time, and thankfully very little need to find work, so the website has weathered…

I landed on my feet running in San Francisco thanks to my old friend, Rob Lee, who said that there might be the odd, internal agency job, that he could throw my way, every now-and-again. I had been in Chicago for 17 years, and though I will miss those dreamy winters, the "odd internal" was enough for me to heave-ho out of there.

The kind of jobs I ended up doing for the Agency, DDB San Francisco, have changed the way I look at advertising forever.

Rob Lee at the helm
In Chicago I was part of the production company circuit. People who owned these companies, also had a relationship or two with various advertising agencies around town. Producers would come to me when the Advertising Agency had made up it's mind about what it wanted, and then, if all the stars had aligned, I'd get to shoot and edit something. Weeee! 

There was however a very clear and definite line drawn, usually by the Prod Co, between Advertising Agency Creatives, and myself. This is called, "preserving your clients", as everybody knows, the leading cause of death to the average production company is a pimply-faced kid with a DSLR in his hand, and ripped version of FCP 7 on a laptop in his backpack. 

This opportunity with DDB SF was different in that there were no barriers between me and the inner workings of a massive ad agency. The type of creative work they set me to, has defined me as a filmmaker. 

San Francisco in my sights
My very first job in the agency world was for Steve Weiss, owner of, Zacuto Films in Chicago; way before they started making aluminum bits for your cameras (their bits are great btw

The first one was a Rippo for Jim Beam. A Rippo is a mash-up of audio and video that helps create a mood. That mood then helps guide the Client in the direction the Creatives at the agency would like to go with the campaign. Rippos are always cut together with found footage.

When I made Rippos for Steve, we would send an intern to Blockbuster, (remember them?) to rent stacks of DVDs, all within thematic boundaries. Now we pull with glee and absolute freedom from youtube and vimeo! 

Please no belly-aching over rights management! No one is selling tickets to see this crap; it's shown to a roomful of people, and then it's dead. It is no more illegal than you cutting up your favorite Mag-Rag, and collaging out an idea for a sexy outfit, which I'm sure everybody does…

I am posting this Rippo as an example for filmmakers who still don't know what I'm on about, or for those who are just curious. It was created for the launch of Explorer 9. 

The Rippo is a great place to start for young filmmakers because you can concentrate  on what the images actually mean, and how that meaning can change simply by rearranging the sequence. Go, find me shots that say, "future!" It can be a fun challenge, and it's paid the rent more than twice.

The best internal agency gigs are the "Micro-Docs." They are in fact, small, or short, documentaries.

"Yo, Edward. We need 3 minutes or less on why our agency will kick everyone eles's ass!"

"Roger, Roger."

These videos are fun because you get teamed up with some really amazing people from inside the agency. The short deadlines and minuscule budgets keep everyone on their creative toes, and when it hits, it hits. There is nothing more magical than magical realism.

In this example of a MicroDoc, we were charged with defining the hiphop culture.

"3 minutes or less, please."

Since I moved out to California I have been asked by some of the friends and coworkers that I left behind, "don't you miss doing the bigger stuff?"

The answer is, no. Those that would tell a story only if the Many will hear it, are sycophants, not sorcerers. The videos I've reared with DDB San Francisco have helped win clients like STP, Ross, Amgen, Wells Fargo, and most recently, the telecom giant, Qualcomm. Winning those clients means that some director in L.A. down the road will get handed a set of boards. Good for him, or hopefully her. Make sure you stay between the lines. I helped create them.

written by: Edward Seaton

Singha Spot Wins Best Director

As Singha beer looked for new ways to increase their market share here in the States, GERTRUDE stepped up with a much buzzed about way to get the word out.

First, the clever minds at GERTRUDE reached out to some of contemporary art's most established and influential stars, and challenged them to interpret the Singha mythical lion.

The artists hurled paint onto massive canvases back at their studios, but the projects were to be finished at a chosen location, chosen by GERTRUDE, a different venue for each artist. I was the lucky punter that got to shoot San Francisco and it's contemporary master, Kofie One.

We shot on the Sony Ex-3 with no stics and only a sun-gun to weigh us down. Before each shoot Otis Gibson, founder of GERTRUDE, and I, would discuss the piece of art, the artist who created it, and the chosen city venue. We tried to identify connections between the 3, and then gathered imagery that crossed over. My favorite was the cross cuts between Kofie One streaking super straight lines across the canvass, and the electrically charged wires that crisscross the city of San Francisco.

These were down and dirty shoots... and some of the most fun I had in 2011.

written by: Edward Seaton

GERTRUDE and client Singha Beer have launched Singha’s Global Tag Takeover Facebook campaign at, an application allowing fans of Singha Beer on Facebook to have their friends’ Facebook walls painted over with stylized versions of the Singha mythical lion logo, share the new commercials and enter a sweepstakes.

“Singha’s Global Tag Takeover allows fans to share the new Singha Beer commercials with their friends worldwide while engaging with the Singha Beer brand and campaign in an innovative, spirited way,” said GERTRUDE's Founder, Chief Creative Officer Otis D. Gibson.

The application prompts users to share the commercials in an engaging way – by first “tagging” their friends’ Facebook walls with stylized Singha mythical lion artwork. By viewing and sharing the commercials and tagging their friends’ walls, fans of Singha Beer are eligible to enter for a chance to win a Singha Black Book tagged by one of the international artists featured in the commercials.

For more details on this and other work from GERTRUDE, please visit, and check out Singha's Global Tag Takeover by visiting

Goat Rock Seals

The Russian River, with its mouth at the north end of Goat Rock Beach, is Sonoma County's largest watercourse, both in flow rate and lineal extent. Immediately beyond the Russian River discharge to the Pacific Ocean is the coastal town of Jenner. Goat Rock protrudes into the Pacific at the south end of Goat Rock Beach. There are three distinct habitats present at Goat Rock Beach, including marine, littoral zone and coastal prairie. The marine environment presents gray whales, harbor seals and California sea lions as well as a multitude of fish species.

This video was shot and edited for the Youtube Channel SonomaCountyWire, an online video magazine dedicated to the Art, the Business, the fun things to do in Sonoma County. If you've visited Sonoma County without seeing some seals, you've done something wrong. When you do see them, keep your distance, especially when the little pups are finding their flippers. The adult seals are very shy and they will leave their babies if you bother them. Please be respectful of all our beautiful nature.

Farmers Guild Barnraiser Campaign

Everseen Productions recently teamed up with Evan Wiig of The Farmers Guild, and, to help them raise 30 thousand dollars via Crowd-sourcing!

This campaign has only just begun, and they are casting a wide net to get the funds necessary to continue their good work and continue to grow.

I was truly inspired by the young minds that have so recently decided to start farming here in Sonoma County, and all across America. Consider though, the plight of the young, new farmer. Where do they go to sell what they've grown? Who knows how I can get started in farming - I have a background in computers? How do I grow this organically, sustainably? The questions are endless, and there are few resources for those that need them the most.

The Farmers Guild aims to mend all that. By gathering every month, face to face, in Granges across the county, each month, the Farmers Guild is building a loyal following. Young minds are being inspired by the older generation and new farmers are lining up.

Please take a moment to visit the BarnRaiser page. Contribute today!